Trouser Breaks: What to Know & Why They’re Important

When it comes to wearing a gentleman’s suit, choosing a great fabric and cut is not enough to ensure that you look incredible. Only with a perfect fit will you look well put together.
Flawlessly pulling off a suit can be quite tricky as many gentlemen make the mistake of wearing ill-fitting clothes.
One common suit mistake is choosing a trouser length that is too long or too short. This is a foolproof way to ruin your look, even if your suit is made of the finest silk. One way to ensure your trousers are cut perfectly is by looking at the trouser break. A trouser break is the crease or fold in the dress trousers on the bottom portion of the leg just above the shoe.
If you have ever discussed suits with a tailor, chances are that the term “trouser break” has come up. However, do you really know what it is? Perhaps it’s time to find out! In this article, you will learn about the different types of trouser breaks and why they are essential. Read on to find out more!
Full Break
A full trouser break is said to be the most extended hem and the hardest to pull off. This is because it has a fold running around the pant leg. This type is ideal for taller men, heavier-set fellows, or those who opt for a more conservative vibe. Full breaks are ideal for wide formal trousers and certain types of casual pants.
Medium Break
The medium break, also known as half-break, is said to be the standard. When it comes to trousers, this type is the safest to choose as it is essentially universal. The medium break consists of a fold that bends into your ankle a bit. You can opt for this to cuff your pants for a casual feel. If you aren’t fond of slim-fit dress trousers, you may be best suited to this break.
Slight Break
The slight break is the type that’s more fashion-forward but remains within the bounds of trouser tradition. This contemporary type is characterized by a slightly longer back than the front of the pant leg. It looks good with an uncuffed hem and is often seen on slim trousers. A slight break allows for the perfect modern gentleman look without being too over-the-top.
No Break
Finally, certain trousers do not have a trouser break at all. This type is said to be an exception to the rule where only a few gentlemen can truly pull it off. In most cases, it’s best on slim or shorter gentlemen and imbibes a very European ‘feel’ which looks clean and smart. It’s best to rely on your tailor when you want to choose your trouser break, particularly if you aren’t sure how to proceed. Let your tailor know how you’d like to present your trousers’ look for a significant difference.
Ultimately, a trouser break is meant to create a breaking point between your legs and your shoes. It also serves as a reference to determine the right length of trousers for your suit. There are no hard and fast rules requiring every gentleman to have a trouser break for their suits. However, there are certain body types and garments that may look best with a certain style. Want to improve your suit game? Start paying attention to your trouser break!
If you’re looking for a custom tailor in Bangkok, get in touch with us today to see how we can help! We have extensive experience in creating suits that look great in the Summer.
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